2025 Amateur Competitions
The dates for our 2025 branch amateur contents have been decided. Save the dates and start getting ready for another competitive season.
January 11th
February 22nd
March 22nd
Register Here for any of the competitions. You can find all the Tune Requirements Here​​
January 11th
Piping: Hector MacDonald
Snare: Glen Neil
Bass & Tenor: Johnny Rowe
February 22nd
Piping: Trisha Kirkwood
Snare: Craig Stewart
Bass & Tenor: Taylor Page
March 22nd
Piping: Brad Davidson
Snare: Steven Hill
Bass & Tenor: Jamie Alfred
Competitions will aim to start at 6:00pm.
An order of play with estimated play times for each contestant will be posted after registration has closed and play order has been determined. Contestants should arrive early enough to check in and warm up before their contest starts.
Order of play and contestant start time is not guaranteed so players should be checking in with the competition steward to confirm when they will play as the night goes on.
Competitions will be held at the John Weir Foote Armouries
200 James St. N Hamilton
Enter through the courtyard gate off of James St North
Snare Drumming: In lieu of a piper, the grade 3, 4 and 5 competitor may use a recording as provided by the competitor. If using a recording the competitor must also supply a standalone device to play the recording for the judge during their performance.
Bass Drumming: In lieu of a piper, the Novice and Amateur competitor may use a recording as provided by the competitor. It is encouraged to be accompanied by one snare drummer. If using a recording the competitor must also supply a standalone device to play the recording for the judge during their performance.
Tenor Drumming: In lieu of a piper, the grade 3, 4 and 5 competitor may use a recording as provided by the competitor. It is encouraged to be accompanied by one snare drummer. If using a recording the competitor must also supply a standalone device to play the recording for the judge during their performance.
For past results, please visit our Past Winners page.
All amateur pipers and drummers are invited to participate in these competitions.
PPBSO membership is not required.